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DEFINE STRING SPACE 512 DEFINE STRING COUNT 64 DEFINE TASK COUNT 2 TILEMAP ENABLE(16) COLOR BORDER WHITE CLS WHITE soundtrack := LOAD MUSIC("what_a_wonderful_world.mid") MUSIC soundtrack PARALLEL PROCEDURE rotatingEarth ON VIC20 earth := LOAD IMAGES("earth_128x128_2colors.gif") FRAME SIZE AUTO POSITIVE CONST centerX = ( SCREEN WIDTH - 128 ) \ #2 POSITIVE CONST frameMax = FRAMES(earth) - 1 DIM frame AS BYTE DIM t AS WORD DIM delay AS WORD t = TIMER delay = ( TICKS PER SECOND / 5 ) DO WAIT WHILE ( TIMER - t ) < delay t = TIMER PUT IMAGE earth FRAME frame AT centerX, 0 ADD frame, 1, 0 TO frameMax LOOP END PROC PARALLEL PROCEDURE printLyrics ON VIC20 DIM line AS BYTE DIM t AS WORD DIM delay AS WORD t = TIMER delay = 2 * TICKS PER SECOND DO WAIT WHILE ( TIMER - t ) < delay t = TIMER LOCATE 0, SCREEN ROWS - 2 CLINE LOCATE 0, SCREEN ROWS - 3 CLINE INK RED SELECT CASE line CASE 0 CENTER "I see trees of green"; CASE 1 CENTER "Red roses too"; CASE 2 CENTER "I see them bloom"; CASE 3 CENTER "For me and you"; CASE 4 CENTER "And I think to myself"; CASE 5 CENTER "What a wonderful world!"; CASE 7 CENTER "I see skies of blue"; CASE 8 CENTER "And clouds of white"; CASE 9 CENTER "The bright blessed day"; CASE 10 CENTER "The dark sacred night"; CASE 11 CENTER "And I think to myself"; CASE 12 CENTER "What a wonderful world"; CASE 13 CENTER "The colors of the rainbow"; CASE 14 CENTER "So pretty in the sky"; CASE 15 CENTER "Are also on the faces"; CASE 16 CENTER "Of people going by"; CASE 17 CENTER "I see friends shaking hands"; CASE 18 CENTER "Saying, How do you do?"; CASE 19 CENTER "They're really saying"; CASE 20 CENTER "I love you..."; CASE 21 CENTER "I hear babies cry"; CASE 22 CENTER "I watch them grow"; CASE 23 CENTER "They'll learn much more"; CASE 24 CENTER "Than I'll ever know"; CASE 26 CENTER "And I think to myself"; CASE 27 CENTER "What a wonderful world"; CASE 28 CENTER "Yes, I think to myself"; CASE 30 CENTER "What a wonderful world"; CASE 32 CENTER "Ooh, yes..."; ENDSELECT INC line LOOP END PROC SPAWN rotatingEarth ON VIC20 SPAWN printLyrics ON VIC20

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